Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get to the old site?
We have temporarily disabled the old site to make way for new and better things. In the meantime, please use our NuOrder platform to place online orders, or email to place an order with our Order Entry department.
How do I sign up for NuOrder?
If you're a new customer, get in touch with to set up an account for you.
If you're an existing customer with us and we have the email you'd like to use in our files, you could simply click "Forgot Password" to set up your password.
Whichever way you choose, be on the lookout for an email from with further instructions on how to enable your account. *And if you don't see the email right away, check your junk mail folder!
How do I place an order?
Customers can place orders in a variety of ways:
Through your regional sales representitive. *If there is no sales rep for your region, please use one of our other ways to order
Through the RIVERWEAR | NRTC profile on NuOrder Marketplace.
By getting in touch with Head Office! Jump to the Contact Us page for all our contact details and business hours.
What are the order minimums?
Order minimums vary based on product. For the most accurate order minimum information, check the description area of each specific product.
Why is my order being split up?
We split orders by department to get you your product as quickly as possible! Since it's the same number of boxes either way, this will not affect shipping costs.
How much do you charge for shipping?
We cap shipping costs on orders to 10% of the sales order value and then search for the best price for our customers by comparing rates of multiple shipping partners. We always want to make sure you're getting the best deal!
An item arrived damaged/incorrect. What do I do now?
Please email or call us toll-free at 1-888-296-6612 and reference your invoice number so we can take care of your specific circumstance.
How long will it take for my order to get to me?
Once your order has completed production, your invoice will be sent with the courier's tracking number. We urge you to track your order online with our shipping partners before contacting us regarding shipping timelines.
How do I make a payment?
At the bottom of every invoice, there is a "Pay Now" button below the order total. That link will bring you to a payment portal to pay your invoice online. *Note that credits must be applied by Customer Service before a payment is made.
What file types do I need to provide for custom artwork?
Most of the time, we require a vector format (AI, EPS, or SVG). In the case of full-colour photography for items such as magnets, a high-resolution PNG or JPG will do the trick! Our in-house art department will review your files and let you know if they need a different format than what was provided. For more information about Vector vs Raster files, check out our blog post.